We have been fortunate to continue to have some steady fishing for the blues and some bonito have shown up. Late in the week we had some smaller fish on our ridge along with some real nice bonito. Doug Kimmelman had some young men out on Thursday for a nice catch of blues, they chummed and trolled. On Friday and Friday evening, we trolled a mess of blues for Ricardo from Brandyine Concrete and later that day a very nice catch of big bonito for Earl Barnes and his friends. Saturday was a little slow, the Neil Weir group put together a small catch of blues, bonito and boohoos (frigate mackeral). On Sunday we found large blues a little ways from the inlet for the Joe Lennon group. A couple people there caught there first blues, Daniele and Mel, both ladies handled them well and caught a couple each. Hopefully these fish will stick around a while and move even closer, the weather this week looks pretty mild.