We had some bumpy weather this weekend for the start of the seabass season this year, but the fish are here ! Neil Weir, Flourtown, PA., was down Saturday for opening day. His group of 12 managed a near limit of seabass up to 3 lbs.. The fishing was very good on all 3 stops with the keeper ratio very good as well, probably in the 8 to 1 range.
Sunday’s trip consisted of some regulars and some newcomers to the boat but not to wreckin’. The weather again was a bit on the sloppy side but it did not bother the fish or the crew as they managed another near limit in just 3 and a half hours on one wreck. Yes one wreck, with an even better keeper ratio than the day before !
The fish are here, time to get on them, we have days open during the week and this coming weekend.