Well, the blues continue to elude us so we have been hitting the wrecks and reefs for seabass and ling. Last week we did a couple blue trips and only managed a handful of fish, released a couple small makos and covered alot of ground doing it.
The seabass and ling have been cooperating, putting together nice catches of both. The bass are up to 3lbs and the ling are averaging 2lbs or so. Some days lately the current has been crazy, running like a freight train, kinda slows the fishing down and makes anchoring a bit tricky. There are some fluke showing up in the ocean, the bay bite is still OK too.
We still have a few openings for the tile trip on July 6, we will have our trolling gear with us as the tuna fishing has been rather good offshore. We plan to leave around 7 pm, get there a little early and drift for shark till sun rise, or if it’s better, start trolling a little before tilefishing. Cost is 300. plus tip, and we have tackle for those who may need it.
Here’s a pic of the Erik Diaz party today with some of the nice seabass they caught.