Headed off Thursday morning for an overnighter with the Ken Diamond party. Well, a small party, most of his gang backed out last minute but they shouldn’t have ! Made a couple stops for tile but no luck, a few small bottom dwellers that would later prove to be good eats for tuna and sword. Anchored up about 530pm, first 2 fish about 40 minutes later. By midnite we had 5 longfin, one yellowfin, a small sword, and a blue shark. Kenny’s friends John and Donna each caught their first tunas, a great start to the night. From then till about 5am, the porpoise and sharks bothered us a bit, but at 515 the bite started again, they put 7 more longfin in the boat by 630 and at 7 Kenny said they were good to go. Pretty darn good fishing, 3 anglers-13 tuna and a sword, shame on those that didn’t go !
We will be out on Tuesday for stripers, hoping they show in force !